Büro Destruct & Jaro Gielens - Electronic Plastic (Very Rare)
CHF190.00Approximate price/umgerechnet in
USD 205.90/EUR 171.90
Jaro Gielens, der Initiator dieses Buches, besitzt eine der grössten Sammlungen von so genannten Handhelds (tragbaren Computergames) weltweit. Diese Vorläufer des Game Boys waren in den frühen 80er-Jahren sehr populär und erhalten durch das Buch „Electronic Plastic“ eine posthume Würdigung. Gestaltet wurde dieses Buch vom spielverrückten Grafiker Lopetz (Büro Destruct) und galt bei erscheinen im „I-D-Magazin“ als „... this year’s must have book“. Very rare!
Jaro Gielens, initiator of this book, owns one of the world’s biggest collections of so-called handhelds (portable computer games). These ancestors of the game-boy were very popular in the early 80 and are getting a posthumous appraisal with “Electronic Plastic“. The book was designed by the game-crazy graphic artist Lopetz (Büro Destruct) and was at the time of publication called „... this year’s must have book“ by „I-D-Magazin”. Very rare - out of print worldwide!
Büro Destruct (*1994) is a renowned graphic-design-collective from Berne/Switzerland. The most important areas of Büro Destruct’s activities are visualisations of corporate identities, logos and the development of new fonts. In 2002 Büro Destruct founded the subsidiary company Büro Discount in Zurich/Switzerland.
File under: Büro Destruct, Graphic Design, Very Rare, Game Culture